Saturday, April 7, 2012

EZ3D Popups OA Lesson 9 Step It Up

EZ3D Popups OA Lesson 9 Step It Up

Materials needed: Template and Scissors.  (Hint: PDF file sizes are smaller and easier to download.)

Hi, Everyone!  Back again with a new template.  This one isn't difficult but you will have to do a little extra crease pinching to help it to fold properly. The instructions are on the PDF and JPG files, but if you find you are not successful at this one, please let me know in the comments below and I will prepare a little video to help you better understand the process.

I hope you like the new symbols I have added to the template.   If you have found the templates I've made, and you have a Facebook account, I would appreciate it if you would go to  and LIKE the page.

 Thanks! Have fun!  More templates coming soon!

Grandma Jean