Saturday, June 30, 2012

EZ3D PopUps What's Next?

Happy Saturday!  What's next?

  I am working on a separate Origami shirt blog that will be linked here.  I will have a variety of cute origami shirt patterns there, not only for men and boys but for women and girls as well.

I will continue the Origamic Architecture lessons.  Soon it will be time to leave the scissors behind and pick up a craft knife.

I am currently working on a cute popup card.  Hope to have that up by Monday.

If you have a wish list for projects, please leave a comment and let me know and I'll see if I can create it for you or give you some reference links.

If you have used my templates, I would love to show off a picture of your handiwork here.

If you would like to see this ad free blog continue ... please interact by commenting, tweeting, facebooking or following by e-mail.

Have a great day!

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